Marble Hall is situated about 2760 foot above sea level. South Africa’s seasons are just the opposite of the USA. Our hunting areas are mostly in our summer rainfall areas which stretch from November to March.
Below is a rough guide of our temperatures:
Months: March – April, Limpopo: 60 – 90, Northern Cape: 50 – 80
Months: May – June, Limpopo: 50 – 80, Northern Cape: 40 – 70
July is the coldest 40 – 70 and then it warms up from mid-August.
Winter starts at the end of April with an average day temperature of about 70 degrees and night temperatures 60 degrees. Wintertime (June to mid-August) hunting is done in lovely days and chilly nights. SPF 30 sunscreen or higher can be used in daytime hunting even during our wintertime.
Our suggestions to the client are to wear dark Khaki brown or green colored clothing during the hunt. Long sleeved trousers and shirts are recommended for daytime hunting although some hunters prefer to wear short sleeved clothing. Cameo clothing is not needed but on bow hunts as dark as possible would help. Sometimes a hunt can turn out in a long walk and so we would suggest using light weight clothing. A light jacket is advisable for early in the morning and late afternoons.
We suggest that you bring light weight hiking boots with soft soles as well as two pairs of boots around ankle height. Please don’t bring new boots as this can ruin your hunt. You can pack light as a daily laundry service is provided.
Lungile Safaris operates out of Malaria free areas and you will be notified if it’s needed otherwise. No vaccinations are needed for most of our hunting areas in South Africa. You will need preventive Malaria medication if going to Kruger National Park or Zimbabwe. For Zimbabwe we will also recommend a yellow fever shot. Please let us know beforehand of any medical conditions that we need to be aware of to prevent situations. Good medical infrastructure are plus minus 40 minutes away from all our camps. We have very good private hospitals with very well trained staff and good doctors. In case of an emergency a helicopter is also available. All our PH’s have passed a basic first aid course. |